Be brave! Mix and match style combos!


There is something quite MAGICAL that happens when you mix and match a few different ‘styles’ together!

First try to decide which message you want to convey when you dress in a certain way. For example, if you want to create a truly feminine and gentle look – go ahead and wear chiffon with lace and satin. On the other hand, if you want to add a little bit of “masculine/ edge” to a very sweet dress you can achieve it by adding a fitted denim or leather jacket!

Here in photo 1 she wears a beautiful sequin top over an old pair of roughed up jeans. This is called “high low dressing- pairing something of high quality with something of low cost. The second photo - she wears a beautiful full length maxi skirt with sneakers and then a well fitted leather jacket. The 3rd photo takes wearing tuile to a whole new level pairing it with a fitted denim shirt and cowboy boots. 

It’s all about playing with contrasting styles and textures and most of all having fun!

Let Style-Sense help you discover your inner sense of style.


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To conceal or not to conceal?