Loads of clothes and nothing to wear?


Why is it so hard for many of us to throw away clothes that we know longer wear? It’s actually quite a 'deep' problem for many people and so I thought I would address it today!

When you wear clothes - they become a part of who you are, your essence, what makes you, you! That’s why you feel offended if someone is wearing the same dress as you at an event, how dare they copy you!

It’s also about power -that’s why as a young naive teenage girl you will wear your new boyfriends t-shirts and jumpers because it allows you to feel closer to them and it’s all about 'ownership' - (he is mine- therefore his clothes are mine!)

Some people feel that if they throw clothes away that they will 'offend' the article or they feel guilty because they don’t wear it and it was gifted to them.

 Others feel that the clothes hold memories and can’t bare to let them go.

Why do we just hold onto these items and keep them in that ever increasing cluttered wardrobe.

So, if you’re having a dilemma about the amount of clothes that are beginning to stack up in that wardrobe and need a little advice about how you can solve this problem, then give me a call and we can address it together!

Sometimes you just need a fresh pair of eyes to help you!Call Style-Sense and we will help you out.



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